English is a global language and mastering it can help with career advancement, studying abroad, or just travelling. The prevalence of English language is what makes it an important and sought after skill.
At our language centre, English is taught both by local and foreign teachers – native speakers.
Language competency can also be accredited with international certificates of general or business English, for which we offer special courses, purposelly intended for the preparation of certficate acquisition. The exams for the certificates are held in Ljubljana once or twice per year.
Nista vam ponuja tečaj, ki je primeren prav za vas. Ste prezaposleni, imate natrpan urnik in vam vožnja do naše šole vzame preveč časa? Mi vam ponujamo rešitev. Odločite se za naše spletne tečaje za odrasle in otroke. Glede na naše izkušnje so spletni tečaji prav tako kakovostni kot tečaji v živo. Prednosti učenja tujega jezika prek spleta so:
Telefon: 041 449 090
E-naslov: school@nista.si