Grow Green

GROW GREEN! – Environmental education for all!

Grow Green! – Environmental Education for all, is a small-scale partnership in adult education between two institutions: Bridge Language Study House, Cluj-Napoca (Romania); and Jezikovna Šola Nista, Koper (Slovenia). This project is to be implemented between 2022 and 2023. The primary aim of the partnership is to support the enhancement of environmentally friendly behaviour in underserved local communities. Since environmental education is not included in the curricula of kindergarten-aged children in Romania or Slovenia, the activities of the project are a gap-filler in both countries.

In order to raise a generation of people who are conscious of the importance of leading a sustainable life and be able to fight climate change, we reckon that education needs to start as early as possible, even in kindergartens. Furthermore, to reinforce formal education, special attention should be put on orienting parents in this field. Here the project meets another horizontal priority, i.e. the inclusion of adults into this type of education. Grow Green! offers access to workshops to parents fighting social, economical and geographical barriers. Some of these are unemployment, low income, and information restrictions due to the specific circumstances on rural areas.

The target groups of the project are non-formal educators and parents of kindergarten and elementary school children. The results of the collaboration are heterogeneous and they extend to all the members of the target groups. Online webinars are planned for educators in order to acquire new methodology on how to raise attention on the importance of environmentally-friendly behaviour and how to deal with parental environment education. An additional outcome of the project corresponds to educational videos designed for children and parents to increase their competences in being environmentally-aware. The local workshops organised for parents about sustainable life are probably the most practical result of the project providing participants with useful ideas and actual practice on how to adopt an environmentally-friendly lifestyle.

This project designs a series of activities which contribute to raise awareness and develop skills to parents and children in order to grow a greener future generation.

2022 05 06 Mark 104740

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